Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I had a thought the other day. I know what you're thinking and yes, I do have those sometimes. My thought was that I should create a blog. Brilliant idea isn't it! I thought people might enjoy knowing about my crazy life while I'm gone. It's been an interesting process and the first post I understand is the hardest one. In the process of making this blog I've realized a few things about myself. One being that I am a perfectionist. As I've worked on setting it up already two people have questioned why it's taking so long. The first being my awesome roommate Tara. She herself has a blog and she laughed a few times to herself as I looked for hours trying to find the perfect background and then ended up with something so simple and Asian. Seriously, there are so many options! I don't know how someone can just choose the first template they see and make it happen. I was on a quest for the perfect background. One that reflected my love for Asia, that was simple and clean and one that had all my favorite colors. A tall order I suppose. But I was determined and I knew what I wanted. When I saw it I thought, finally, something I can work with. 

And so here I am, a blogger. I never thought I would acquire such a title among my many accomplishments, but if you bear with me I promise I wont disappoint. I called my blog "inspire me" for a few reasons. The first is that I love helping people. If my crazy experiences, design advice, or whatever it may be can make someone's life better, put a smile on their face or help them realize God lives, I will be soo happy! The second reason is I am always looking for inspiration. Something in nature, design or anything around me. We all hope to be inspired by someone or something and maybe this will be your first source for your own inspiration. It'll take a little patience as I get things rolling but I hope you enjoy!

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